How to Stay Motivated as a Stay at Home Mom: Think Like a CEO

I have discovered over the years that in order to feel fulfilled, happy and motivated as a stay at home mom, there are some important things to know. Sometimes you get into survival mode and it’s hard to get out of it. My hope is that if you’re there, you’ll be thriving soon, and these…

Parenting SPD Kids Takes Unicorn-Ninja Skills

My kindergarten girl is pretty typical when it comes to loving her unicorn toys and pink…I’d say she blends in pretty well…Nevermind, she dresses herself and can stand out quite a bit with her leopard print pants (we consider leopard print a neutral at our house) and floral sleeveless dresses in the middle of winter….

DIY Recipe for Neil Medi/ Neti Pot Rinse

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I like to save money! (If you’re new here, welcome!) I hope to save you lots in the time we’re acquainted…more money-saving DIYs planned for the future, so stick around! Perhaps you ended up with a sinus infection and in your desperation to shake it,…

Work Hazards of a Stay-at-Home-Mom

Ugh. My shoulder and arm hurt. Really badly. I’ve been up since 3 something a.m. because I could no longer ignore the pangs. The frequency and duration of pain has gotten progressively worse since Dec. 9th., the day of my vein surgery when I was bruised up from that (and it was that time of…