DIY: Homemade (Cloth Diaper-safe!) Laundry Goods

After using the following homemade detergent powder for about two years, I am confident in saying that this recipe works very well for us.  You will often see DIY recipes online that include soaps such as fels-naptha or ivory grated up into it, but those really aren’t necessary. In fact, in my research for cost-effective…

Turning those DIY Ideas into Action!

I often get online to quickly find a way to do something I think should be possible but don’t have the complete knowledge of how on my own.  That’s kind of the point, in my opinion, of blogging posts that include recipes or photos of a process and finished product…this isn’t a bragging forum for…

A Mom’s Look at the Philosophy of Innate Goodness of Children

Oh, Pinterest.  How you distract us.  We, especially us moms,  have better things to do than be online coming up with more stuff we “need” to do or read. 😉  But how fun you can be.  And I wonder how greatly you may contribute to my ADD.  Lately I’ve been finding “inspiring” pins about being…

Stocked Up

Here’s the basic chicken stock recipe I was inspired to make by Ellen Brown’s $3 Meals , except I used what I had and put it all into a 5 quart crockpot overnight on low.  A lot of recipes I see and want to make call for chicken broth/stock or bouillon cubes.  In a pinch I…